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Green Gamas

Green Gamas
Green Gamas Product

Senin, 12 April 2010


The orgasm on command technique is the complete guide to giving your woman a powerful and pleasure able orgasm every time you make love.

There are trick to make your woman orgasm :

a)      Focus on her 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock.
When zoning in between her legs, just as you appreciate he indulging more than just your package, she ‘ d like you to go for more than her hood ornament. If you run your tongue around her clitoral head, concentrating on the 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock marks on either side, and then gently slip your tongue beneath the hood, you will have her moaning from ectassy. While bang on is too sensitive. Those two sweet spots will make sure that she takes a licking and keeps on ticking, thanks to the bulbs hidden just beneath. The best way to pull off this maneuver is to have her straddle your face as you lay comfortably on your back. She will get to learn into the headboard so she can drive the action with ease, since you ‘ve put her in charge.

Kiss the right side of her spine
Touch on the right side of a woman’s spines make her melt more than the left side, perhaps because the left side on the brain control her right side and it is the logical side that can talk her into anything whether you are kissing her there, stroking her or gently teasing her with a tickler, just make sure your moves curvy. You will cover more mileage, not to mention get better mileage out of your touch, since it is significantly more intense.

The orgasm on command techniques explain some practical
  • How to instantly activate a hidden pleasure trigger that actually forces her to have a powerful orgasm. Whether she is ready for it or not.
  • How to bring your woman to orgasm so blindingly fast, she will think you are a “pleasure magician “ with mysterious sexual powers !

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