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Green Gamas

Green Gamas
Green Gamas Product

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011


Communities are encouraged to not worry about caterpillars attack the widespread because it has emerged and evolved parasites that can kill the caterpillars themselves. Biological approach by using a parasitic natural enemy is the right step in destroying caterpillars. By using natural parasites, worm's life cycle will last about three or four weeks.
As in Probolinggo, East Java, which suffered the largest attack caterpillars, have grown naturally in the form of parasitic fungi and bacteria. Fungi and bacteria that grows up to 80% so that the caterpillar itself is lost. (Source: Media Indonesia)

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011


Millions of citizens of Tokyo anxious due to radiation in the tap water or air while the other residents on March 24, 2011 overshadowed by anxiety due to the impact of the damaged nuclear power plants. More than 70 thousand residents were evacuated from the area within a radius of 20 kilometers from the Nuclear Power Fukushima Daiichi. Contamination of land in most villages and the ban on the sale of milk and vegetables sparked fears of local residents.
In the region of Tokyo, on March 24, 2011 and made ​​many stores began rationed goods such as milk, toilet paper, rice and drinking water along with two-fold jump in demand for bottled mineral water. Radiation has leaked from the Nuclear Power Plant located 220 km northeast of the capital city of Tokyo.
At least 18 thousand people dead and missing. Hundreds of thousands lost their homes in the earthquake and tsunami that followed Japan's nuclear crisis. (Source: Tempo)


If you could save the video on Google Video ,immediately for download and upload it again ,because Google will stop the video service . Cessation of Google Video has long been expected ever since Google acquired the video site YouTube. YouTube listed as the most popular video site with 144, 1 million unique visitors per month.
Google launched Google Video hosting service in 2005. Google Video stops receiving a video uploaded in May 2009. (Source: Tempo)

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

First Human Yuri Gagarin orbiting the earth

Yuri Gagarin the first man elected to that orbit the earth because it has a small body posture, that is 157 inches so it can enter the capsule Vostok. On 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin Alekseyevich, a carpenter's son who held the rank of lieutenant in the Soviet Air Force, assisted by wearing outer space. He and his backup cosmonaut Titov Germany toward Site No. 1 in Tyuratam Missile Test Range - now called the Baikonur Comodrome on a deserted desert in Kazakhstan.

But the first man into space it has ever been killed in a plane crash Jet in 1968. Yuri Gagarin's trip into space for 108 minutes is a big leap for science. Due to the success of Gagarin near misses due to the rocking and the door is very heavy spacesuits. Documents released rahasial Russian Space Agency explain in detail the various news about the flaws and errors have been reported since the flight, such as Gagarin's rocket that glides quickly as 327 miles per hour rather than 230 kilometers as it should, because an engine failed to stop. Cosmonaut it also can not write in your notebook because the pencil float flying in zero gravity, and he could not find it. (Source: Tempo)

Senin, 12 April 2010


The orgasm on command technique is the complete guide to giving your woman a powerful and pleasure able orgasm every time you make love.

There are trick to make your woman orgasm :

a)      Focus on her 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock.
When zoning in between her legs, just as you appreciate he indulging more than just your package, she ‘ d like you to go for more than her hood ornament. If you run your tongue around her clitoral head, concentrating on the 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock marks on either side, and then gently slip your tongue beneath the hood, you will have her moaning from ectassy. While bang on is too sensitive. Those two sweet spots will make sure that she takes a licking and keeps on ticking, thanks to the bulbs hidden just beneath. The best way to pull off this maneuver is to have her straddle your face as you lay comfortably on your back. She will get to learn into the headboard so she can drive the action with ease, since you ‘ve put her in charge.

Kiss the right side of her spine
Touch on the right side of a woman’s spines make her melt more than the left side, perhaps because the left side on the brain control her right side and it is the logical side that can talk her into anything whether you are kissing her there, stroking her or gently teasing her with a tickler, just make sure your moves curvy. You will cover more mileage, not to mention get better mileage out of your touch, since it is significantly more intense.

The orgasm on command techniques explain some practical
  • How to instantly activate a hidden pleasure trigger that actually forces her to have a powerful orgasm. Whether she is ready for it or not.
  • How to bring your woman to orgasm so blindingly fast, she will think you are a “pleasure magician “ with mysterious sexual powers !

Get the detail techniques how to orgasm your woman. Click Here

Jumat, 04 Desember 2009


Gamat ( Sea Cucumber ) is invertebrate animal, that is the animal which no have back bone and include in Echinodermata phylum category ( animal which skin thorn ). Although more than 1500 sea cucumber ( Gamat ) species, but only some of species can be used for medicine.

Gold Gamat ( Sea Cucumber ) was selected as raw material "G-GAMAT", caused this type of species have more benefit than other sea cucumber type.

The Gold Gamat is from Indonesia territorial water part East where not passed by water transportation, so that the quality is guaranteed.

In China, Gamat ( Sea Cucumber ) have been known from Ming Dinasty period ( 1364 - 1644 ), where in that period have been consumed as nutrition source and used as traditional medicine to cure some illness.


Gamat ( Sea Cucumber ) as supplement to help curing some illness. If it is seen from nutrient content and active compound, then G-Gamat is extremely effective to be used as nature health product.


 1. Collagen ( 80 % ) have function as :
     - Bone adhesive substances
     - Skin elasticity
     - To stimulate cell regeneration for internal and external part of body.

2. Mucopolysacharida ( MPS ) have function as :
    - Nerve relaxant
    - Blood thinner
    - Anti painful remover

3. Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfat have function as :
    - To stimulate sensitive bone growth
    - To give liquid to the body joint ( synovial )
    - To reduce feeling ill cause hinge inflammed
    - To hamper virus growth ( Japan have patented the chondroitin sulfat using in Gamat for HIV therapy.)

4. Holoturin have function as :
    - Anti virus substance
    - Anti infection
    - Anti cancer

5. Omega 3 ( DHA & EPA ) have function as :
    - To dissolve cholesterol crust
    - To reduce heart attack risk
    - To repair the brain intelligence.
    - To prevent the blood clotting happening.

6. Chromium have function as :
    - To change insulin
    - To reduce and repair glucose
    - To omit feeling ill at joint of body.

7. CGF ( Cell Growth Factor ) have function as :
    - To stimulus cell regeneration.
    - To accelerate injury curing ( external and internal )

8. Amino Acid or Protein have function as :
    - The construction substance, it is to prepare materials which have important role in the growth process 
       and network of blood vessels maintenance, like at muscle, bones, tooth, skin, hair, brain, heart, blood  
       cell, enzyme, hormone, antibody, etc.
    - Skin and hair pigment establishment ( tyrosin )
    - Toxic substances binding and change it become substances which not danger ( glysin ).

9. Mineral have function as :
    - Have an important role in body function maintenance start from cell, joint of body network, joint of body
       system until all body function.
    - Have a role in every metabolism phase especially as cofactor in enzyme activities in body.

10. Saponin Glicosida Compound have function as :
     - Anti cancer and anti inflammation.

11. SOD Enzyme ( Super Oxide  Dismutase )
     - Anti oxidant , the compound to fight free radical.


1. To improve cell regeneration function
2. To help medicinal treatment at illness like ;
     - Coronary heart
     - Tendon acid
     - Diabetes mellitus
     - Cholesterol
     - Hepatitis
     - Hypertension
     - Acne
     - Lungs Inflammation
     - Typhus
     - Tumor
     - Osteoporosis
     - Intelligence, etc.

Using Instruction

Adult           : 3 x 2 capsule / days
Preventive   : 3 x 1 capsule / days
Children      : 3 x 1 capsule / days


1. Performance Bonus ( 20 % )
2. Excellent Bonus  ( 5 % )
3. Leadership Bonus ( 40 %)
4. Matching Bonus ( 55 % )

If you want become Distributor for G- Gamat product please feel free to contact for registry ;

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G-GAMAT ( SEA CUCUMBER) © 2007 Template feito por Áurea R.C.